Monday, September 7, 2009

Holiday Week-end

...began and ended with the sickies. Devin started with a cold on Thursday and got progressively worse pretty quickly. He (and I) got hardly any sleep Thursday night because he was up every hour or two coughing and uncomfortable. Friday we were home anyway, since there was no school (4 day week-end in our district!) so we took it easy all day. By Saturday Devin was feeling much better.

*Insert the only day we did anything this week-end!*

Since Erick was working on Saturday, Devin and I headed over to my parents' house for a visit. We had a good time, as usual, but the highlight of the day was definitely watching Mark, Devin, and my Dad wash the cars. Although, I'm not sure what was washed more~ Devin or the cars??
There was even a circus act!
Oh, the cars *DID* get washed!As my Mom and I watched all this from the front door, we were laughing pretty hard. Especially when Devin asked the mailman if he wanted to bring his truck over to be washed! (The mailman knows Erick, and when they got back to the office he told Erick the story and how cute and funny his little blond son is!)

Saturday when Erick got home, he wasn't feeling too well but we had received a call that his parents would be stopping by for a visit. WELL, they surprised us by bringing Erick's brother and his wife! It was a great surprise since we hadn't seen them in almost a year. Devin had been asking about them a lot lately and I think he was starting to lose his memory of them. It was a wonderful visit! I wish I had taken some pictures!

*End of the only fun day.*

Sunday when Erick woke up he felt like he his head was going to explode. Yep, he was definitely sick! He spent the majority of the day sleeping while I entertained Devin. Monday Erick was feeling considerably better so he let me sleep in. We all took it easy and hung around the house. We played outside a little, inside a lot, and watched some T.V.

Now back to work......

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