Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas morning was wonderful! It was nice and slow moving. We woke up around 8:30 and slowly made our way downstairs (quite possibly the last year that will happen!). We then went to see if Santa had come. We checked first to see if he had eaten the cookies we left, along with the carrots for the reindeer. In fact, the cookies and carrots were eaten but many crumbs were left behind. We also noticed that the Magic Key was left in front of the door instead of next to the cookies where we left it! Devin wanted to look out the window to see if Santa was there. He was not.

We turned on some Christmas music (and snuck the casserole in the oven) and proceeded into the living room. We found stuffed stockings on the couch and a tool bench next to it, along with presents under the tree.
We spent all morning enjoying the presents and the Disney Christmas parade (and the sausage casserole that I made!) and around 3:00 pm Erick's parents came over for some food, presents, and family time.
New lap top!
We had such a wonderful Christmas. It is great to see the holiday through a child's eyes again. The spirit is revived and I am so thankful for everything I have and for my beautiful family!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like your family had a great time!