Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Well Hello There...

The past 10 months have been crazy for us, but you can not tell that from my lack of blog posts. Because of the complication of our situation, I had stopped blogging. I now realize that was a poor choice. During some rare solo down time the other day I read through my blog, watched the videos, and admired all of the pictures (of varied quality). I realized what a true time capsule my time spent blogging had become. I realized that I wanted to continue this- for memories, record, and pleasure.

Let's play catch-up!

Last October, due to extenuating circumstances, a relative's child came to live with us. Now that we are "legal guardians" I feel that I can and should include Nadya on our blog.
Nadya is a spirited 7 year old. She is artistic and eager to learn. She is full of energy and attitude. We hope to help Nadya grow into a kind, responsible, and loving young adult.

Devin and Nadya have semi-adjusted to their new roles as "siblings." For Devin this has been a whole new world. Devin spent 5 1/2 years as an "only" and was thrown into sharing EVERYTHING in his life with another child- a child a year older than him who has had many bumps in her road. For me, Devin's understanding-heart-of-gold and ability to adapt has been confirmed.

The kids fight like siblings and perhaps this has been one of the hardest things to adjust to. It was not a gradual grow into the arguing, blaming, accusing. It was a flip-of-the-switch. Between their rivalry and my teaching children of the same age- my life became quite an exhausting, stressful whirlwind. I am hoping that as we (I) better learn how to manage all of these roles, it will get easier.

For now I leave you with this picture (from my birthday at the New England Aquarium) and a promise that I will be back SOON!
(I wish Devin were looking in this picture but that would have been TOO easy! LOL)


Kara said...

So glad you are blogging again! :)

mbruce said...

Glad to see you're back! Look forward to reading more...