Monday, December 29, 2008

Potty Training

I have been somewhat hesitant to mention Devin's progress in potty training here for fear of jinxing us!

Here's the scoop: We are currently on day 4 of wearing big boy underwear during the day! He has been doing REALLY well with only 1 major accident in that time. He has stayed dry through a number of outings, 3 naps, and most of the time at home while using the toilet and a little potty (thanks Kim and Emma!). He is wearing a pull up at night.

Devin decided that he was ready to wear the underwear the day after Christmas. Since this summer I have been offering him the potty and his underwear~ to which he usually replies NO. This time he surprised me and said YES! He does not want to wear a pull up/diaper (yay!) anymore, but he does not always want to stop and go on the potty either. We are using a sticker chart for positive reinforcement along with some M & M bribery from Grandma! Oh yes, and I told him that poops on the potty earn him a lollipop! (That's the big prize! lol)

I am very proud of Devin. He is doing well. I sure do hope it continues this smoothly, although I am sure we will have our bumps along the way!


Sharon G said...

Yay Devin!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Mel said...

AWESOME Devin!! If we can just get Analese pee trained. She poos in the potty but does not mind peeing in her pull-up still. (or in panties, unfortunately).

Erin said...

That is great! Sounds like he's doing well! I know how stressful it is in the beginning but oh my gosh it is so worth it once they're trained!

Anonymous said...

Yay! That's awesome! Aiden told me "No more diapers" today. We're doing the M&M and lollipop thing too!

Lisa and Curtis said...

Yay Devin!! That is so great Karla!! I'm so proud of him too! lol

Emily said...

Go Devin! I need to do a sticker chart- Zachary needs some extra reinforcement!

Stacey said...

Way to go Devin. I am starting again with Ethan this week. Maybe he will be the same way.