Monday, September 6, 2010

Beautiful Week-end

After a close brush with Hurricane Earl on Friday/Friday night, we had a gorgeous Labor Day week-end! Saturday morning I went for a relaxing massage and then spent the day with Devin and my Mom. We went to visit Memmere and helped her clean the driveway. Devin spent the night at Grandma and Papa's Saturday which allowed Erick and I to have a date nice (THANK YOU MOM!). Sunday we picked up Devin and headed to the fair for the highlight of the week-end. Devin had never been to a fair so it was especially exciting to him! We met up with the Beaulieu's and some other friends and had a great time (who doesn't love rides, animals, and fair food??)
Devin and Pierce are so silly together!!
Devin hit the rides with Pierce. (Roller Coaster)
(Swings- Shea, Pierce, Devin)
Pet lots of animals...
Look at the expression on this sheep/lamb 's (?) face. Was he not loving the attention?? LOL
Devin waited all afternoon to ride this big slide. Finally the line shortened up a bit and he was able to go.
Gigantic Pumpkins!
This was Devin 5 minutes into the car ride home:
On Monday we went back to my parents' house for a BBQ. We had Erin and Shaun plus Memmere over. Good food, relaxing fun times, and great company...what more can you ask for??

1 comment:

Carrie said...

WOW, huge pumpkins!! Date nights are ALWAYS good!