Saturday, February 26, 2011

Loving my new Nikon Cool Pix

Erick bought me a teeny tiny point and shoot camera. It literally fits in my pocket. And its purple. Its awesome.

I am by no means a photographer, like some of my friends- both in real life and in blog/face book world. I just need a camera that takes a decent picture to capture my life's memories. Suffice it to say that I am very satisfied that this camera is a fraction of the size of my last one and double the mega pixels.

Here are a few of the first "test pictures." Notice there are none of Devin. He is with his grandparents.

Here is Lolly, she is getting so big!Our friends' son, Pierce...almost toothless!

Kim's daughter Lexie. Such a cutie!
Kim's 31st birthday!!Happy Birthday Kim!

1 comment:

Kara said...

I will be doing some camera shopping soon. I will have to remember this. Also, it is so cool that you and Kim get to see each other so much. Love the pics!