Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Still Here

Here is a brief rundown of things around here....(nothing exciting)

~Devin had an ear infection over the week-end. He is doing better.
~Devin's bottom two 2-year molars are poking through the gums.
~Devin has been a testy little "wild child" lately. His listening is horrible and he is just giving me and Erick a hard time. See above (and the fact that he is nearly 2 1/2, which speaks for itself).
~Devin is, however, doing very well at school. So that's good.
~I had a severe migraine over the week-end that needed ER treatment. Not fun.
~I had my wisdom teeth out last Tuesday and they are still bothering me. Is that normal?
~We, especially Devin, have been able to visit with his Uncle Brian and Aunt Courtney who are up from Florida. He really enjoys playing with them.
~In addition to being addicted to Toy Story, Devin has added Toy Story 2 and Nemo to his preferred list of movies to watch.


Joanna said...

An EI and molars coming in? No wonder you had a migraine. I hope you both are on the mend.

Rebecca said...

Uh you poor poor momma!
You should add "Monsters Inc" into the movie mix! That is Kate's favorite!

Kaycee said...

Wow you've had a rough week, no wonder you've haven't posted :( I hope things are going better.

Cami and Devin should date. We watch those exact two movies almost daily!!

Stacey said...

An ear infection and molars. That must suck. I hope he is better. Toy Story huh, I might have to show that to Ethan. His favorite at the moment is Robots.