Devin has always had these bear/blanket loveys. (He has one at home, one at school for nap time, and one at Grandma's). He uses them for sleeping, but that's it. I did not want him to carry one around- too germy, too silly looking (hope I don't offend anyone!), didn't want to be frantically looking for a lovey that got lost, etc. He was always satisfied when I told him that his "bear" stayed in his bed ~he is a very sleepy bear you know!
Somehow over the last week or two Devin has become VERY attached to his bear(s). He doesn't mind which one it is, as long as he has one. If we are at home, he HAS to have the bear with him! Over the week-end Devin spent the night with Grandma and Papa and sure enough he was carrying the bear around more than usual. When I picked him up from school today he was carrying his bear around, and this was a first. I am not sure if this new found "need" for his lovey is coming from all of this sickness lately or some other insecurity or if he has just formed a new attachment to his bears, but I am not sure how I feel about it.....
I was going to say maybe it was from him being sick the past couple of weeks. You never know he might stop needing it so much soon.
He probably does need the extra comfort after being sick. Analese is the same way with her bunny and her paci collection! Same as you, I make her keep it upstairs in the bedroom and use them only at bedtime and naptime. (I also don't want a germy bunny, and I wash it every couple of weeks anyway),
We give the bear lots of "baths" too!!! lol
You may want to find a duplicate in case you lose it! We have 2 of ours!
Hey, it's better than Michael carrying around my old, stained, maternity T-Shirt. It looks really silly.
Don't worry about it, by the time he gets into grade school, the kids will tease him enough that he'll start leaving it home.
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