Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rough Week-end...Happy Mother's Day

Devin is doing fine from his shots. He had the high fever Friday morning and went to spend the day with Grandma so I didn't have to miss work again (Thanks Mom!). His fever went away with medicine and he had a nice relaxing day. It came back a little bit that evening, but never went above 100*, and was gone by Saturday morning.

Me, on the other hand....I was SO SICK all day Saturday. I woke up with a belly ache. As the morning went on my temperature went up until I was over 101*. It was coming out of both ends and I think the worst part was the aches. I have never suffered such intense belly and body aches before! After I had to literally crawl up the stairs to help Devin with something I called my husband crying and he came home from work. I was so miserable. I woke up today feeling a million times better!!! I sure hope the boys don't get it.

Sunday morning Devin started up his swimming class again (He took one last spring too.). I feel like its a great thing to do just before our pool opens up because we will be spending A LOT of time there. Devin was excited to start swimming again and since I was feeling better, I was able to go with Erick and watch.

Mother's Day has been nice and relaxing. I am still somewhat recovering (tired and a bit of a tummy ache today) so we have just been taking it easy. The boys are out shopping now ;) since they couldn't go yesterday.

I was able to make a quick visit to see my mom this morning and I brought her the massage certificate that I got for her. She truly deserves an hour of relaxation (and infinitely more) as she is the best, most supportive and loving Mother that my brother and I could ever ask for. I Love You Mom!


Mel said...

Oh Karla! That sounds miserable! Hope you are feeling much better now. Happy Mothers Day:)

Carrie said...

Happy Mother's Day! Glad you are better!