We are on our 3rd snow day in a week (with the potential for MORE snow on Friday...). I must say this is getting to be a bit much, even for New England. I am wondering if Devin will EVER get back to school?? He has been out for over a week between being sick,
MLK Day, and now the snow day. We are having snow now which is expected to turn over to freezing rain later this afternoon (that's fun- the
possibility of losing power, extremely slick roads, etc). Will we be in school tomorrow? We should be there Thursday and then MORE snow Friday? COME ON Mother Nature! Give us a break! Please! I'd like to go to work and enjoy my son more in late June when we can be outside swimming in the pool, playing at the splash park, and meeting up with friends!
For now, we are pulling out some of his "old toys" that he hasn't played with in a while to keep him entertained.
Wow! Seems like it is a very snowy winter for everyone. 49 out of 50 states had snow last week. Florida was the only one that didn't. That's got to get you excited!!
Ugh, I feel your pain! I am so tired of it! I need to get away!
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