Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Day of Summer Vacation...

and I am exhausted!!! Phew!!! Devin wore me out today! Between his constant on-the-go and his "terrible two" antics (hitting, jumping on others, not listening) I am going to need to revert to the newborn phase and "sleep when he sleeps." I hope this will get easier as the summer moves along or my poor husband may never get dinner!!! LOL


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean!!!!!!! I think we need to swap out childcare!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry the last message was from me, Kim!

Anonymous said...

lol I know what you mean! Curtis was talking today(he was off) about how naughty Bella is being lately! He says to me "She wasn't like this just 2 months ago!!!" I said, "Well, she wasn't 2 then! The terrible 2's are here!" And oh boy are they in full force! Wish we could all swap, they're usually better for anyone other than the parents! haha ~Lisa

Kaycee said...

Lmbo!! I totally understand. Glad i'm not alone :)